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Start your weekend with us on this beginner friendly paddle. If you want to meet new friends and spend some time in the sun, this paddle is for you. Typical routes include the Historic Canal District and/or Belle Isle.


peche island

Peche Island is the first of 21 islands on the Detroit River. The island is roughly 5.3 miles around with several man made channels inside alive with migrating birds and a complex ecosystem. As early as the 1600’s Peche Island has been home to Indigenous tribes, French settlers, years of failed development, mysterious disappearances, curses and legends from the rivers yesteryears. If you love history, nature and you can handle a longer paddle, you should definitely take this adventure with us.

Detroit Outpost
Sunset Paddle

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Sunset Paddles are guided excursions that are open for anyone to sign up for. Just find a date and time that works for you, sign up for an open slot and join friends and others on a paddle. It’s a great way to meet new and old faces out on the river. Your guides will take weather and traffic into consideration and determine the best route for your excursion. Typical routes include the Historic Canal District and/or Belle Isle. If the paddle is full give us a call!

paddle pass

Visit detroitoutpost.com

or call 313 422 3618

Kayak Storage

call 313 808-3342

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